viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Back to Pentaho again

So, this year I have been spending most of my time digging in Network Management Systems both open and closed source. Think on Net-SNMP, SNMPTT, NAGIOS, CENTREON and you will get an idea. I promise i'll post more about this because is such an interesting topic.

Lately I have been with free time so I went back to Pentaho and discovered huge advances in the community ecosystem. Specially Pedro with CDF and Tom with Pat (erm now called Haiku).

As my boss wanted to show the quality status of our customers in a map, what I did was to use CDF with openlayers and open street maps. With some adjustments to the CDF's js libraries (the marker layer) I changed the presentation to render a circle with a color scale and whose size depends on the number of clients in the xy position. Here is the result:

Isn't open source software nice? :-)

3 comentarios:

Carlos Lopez dijo...

This is excellent and I can see lots of potential to work some intensity maps using your techniques...

Andrés Chaves dijo...

Thank you Carlos, indeed, that's a way to display lot of points in a map. I'm still exploring other options.


Francisco García Mezano dijo...

Hola Andrés, tengo que hacer en mi trabajo un mapa muy similar al que muestras en la imagen ya sea con CDF o CDE, pero no encuentro la forma de hacer que se veancirculos de tamaños y colores de acuerdo a mi información, crees que puedas ayudarme a entender como le hiciste? que librerias js modificaste y como?... he utilizado CDE y CDF para hacer algunos dashboards pero no me había tocado hacer mapas.
